Wednesday, February 15, 2006


To begin, a picture of my Valentine's flowers. Michael put in an order with Alexander for delivery as he is in Koln (anything new?) He hasn't been home on Valentine's day for years but has always managed to have some flowers delivered. So I want to send him a public" thank you".
Thanks for all the comments about putting my leg up- I wish I had the time, but it isn't really necessary. It is still tender to touch or if I bang it ,but I don't even have to limp- I could walk today .However, it is pouring rain and I have to go to work soon. Maybe when I get home it will be a little dryer and I can do it then.
I had Patrick at the Neurologist this morning. The GP thought that one of his pupils was larger than the other, the last two times he saw Patrick . The Neurologist decided that Patrick has very light sensitive eyes and we talked about the placement of the lamps in the GP's office ,he said that ,just the fact that the GP has a desk lamp on one side could cause the pupils to dialate at diffent speeds and cause it to apear as if one was larger than the other. In the Neuro 's office with just one source of light ,there was no difference. He also checked Patrick's reflexes and poked him with a toothpick looking thingy and then got me up on the table and checked my eyes and even some of my reflexes. In the end, he said he couldn't find anything wrong or any reason to look further-very nice.

Afterwards- to Patrick's disgust, I drove him to school. On the way he treated me to a tank of gas, I paid- he pumped and then I treated him to a round of Mc Donalds drive thru , I paid -he made me laugh.


Von said...

You have a very good dh, Rachael!!
Glad all is well with you and Patrick physically. A trip thru McDonalds is alway a welcome treat to my kids too. :D

Annemarie said...

Glad to hear Patrick was okay! Neurologists are probably very nice, but I hate to visit them, anyway. Love those flowers. They look really Valentine-y.